
Our Founder’s Story: Meet Dr Nicole

After qualifying as a psychologist, Dr Nicole began her career, initially working for two practices, which seemed like the best choice at the time. However, as time went on, she began yearning for greater flexibility and autonomy in her practice. The pressure of meeting specific client quotas and the lack of control over her schedule left her feeling a sense of unfulfillment.

The idea of starting her own private practice became increasingly appealing, but she faced a common challenge – how to consistently attract and retain clients to support her venture. In her journey, Dr Nicole turned to Instagram, venturing into creating videos that remarkably brought her 36 clients within just nine months.

However, she soon discovered that the process of filming herself, managing social media interactions, and constantly creating content was overwhelming and didn't align with her true passion for psychology.

Driven by the belief that she couldn't be the only practitioner facing these hurdles, the concept of Journey was born. Dr Nicole envisioned a platform that would empower practitioners, freeing them from the burdens of self-promotion and marketing, so they could wholeheartedly focus on their clients and their well-being.

At Journey, we aim to facilitate this process for practitioners like Dr Nicole, providing them with a supportive platform to connect effortlessly with their ideal clients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to create an environment where practitioners can thrive, leaving behind the distractions of marketing and administration, and dedicating their energy to what truly matters – providing exceptional care and guidance to those looking to grow.